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Nonverbal Personality Questionnaire (NPQ)


This innovative nonverbal measure is suitable for the assessment of normal adult personality in counseling, research and business settings. The NPQ is ideal for cross-cultural comparisons, as well as for people who have reading difficulties, language barriers, or problems with attention and concentration.


This nonverbal measure asks respondents to rate the likelihood that they would engage in the type of behavior depicted in the item illustration on a 7-point Likert scale. Response options range from extremely likely to extremely unlikely. The item illustrations in the NPQ depict personality-relevant behaviors that are based on Murray’s (1938) system of needs, the scales of the Personality Research Form (PRF), and the Five-Factor Model of personality. The 136-item NPQ takes approximately 20 minutes to complete. The resulting personality scales are as follows: Achievement, Affiliation, Aggression, Autonomy, Dominance, Endurance, Exhibition, Thrill seeking, Impulsivity, Nurturance, Order, Play, Sentience, Social Recognition, Succorance, and Understanding, as well as a validity scale.

Reliability and Validity

Several studies have evaluated this nonverbal assessment in North American, European, Middle Eastern, and Asian countries and have demonstrated strong support for the reliability, validity, and general applicability of the assessment. The manual reports a number of sources of support for the psychometric properties of the NPQ.

Administration Languages

  • English

Report Languages

  • English

Sample Report

Click here for a sample NPQ report.


Click here for NPQ pricing.

SIGMA Assessment Systems, Inc.